The City of Pataskala Department of Public Services
Pataskala’s Department of Public Services is committed to providing a high level of service to the City’s residents, businesses and visitors. The Department is responsible for maintaining approximately 300 lane miles of roadway, in addition to all City owned rights-of-way, properties and facilities.
City Hall is open from 8am to 4pm M-F and closed for government holidays.
The Department’s Duties Include, but Are Not Limited to:
The Department’s Duties Include, but Are Not Limited to:
- Pot Hole Patching
- Snow Removal
- Rights-of-Way
- Mowing Culvert
- Storm Sewer Maintenance
- Street/Traffic Signs Maintenance
- Traffic Signal Operation and Maintenance
The Street Department Team & Contact Information
The Street Department is staffed by eight full-time road crew members who operate out of the Maintenance Garage located at 5840 Mink Road. If you have any questions or concerns related to the Streets Department please call 740-927-3873 or 740-927-0145.
GIS Mapping for the City of Pataskala
GIS Mapping for the City of Pataskala