The Department of Finance is the fiscal office of the City. All financial receipts and disbursements are administered through this department. The responsibilities of the Finance Department include, but are not limited to:
- Financial planning and reporting
- Payroll and retirement systems management
- Cash and investment managements
- Risk management support
- Purchasing
- Capital asset management
- Record retention
Additionally, the Finance Director serves as the city’s Human Resources Manager.
City Hall is open from 8am to 4pm M-F and closed for government holidays.
Our Mission
The department’s goals and objectives are to protect and maintain the integrity of the city’s finances through sound, efficient and ethical account practices. Furthermore, the department’s goal is to provide accurate and timely records, to invest all of the city’s idle funds safely and in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code, to be at all times fiscally responsible, to assure that debt and other obligations are settled in a timely manner, and to maximize revenues to which the City is legally entitled.
Our Budget
The city prepares a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is subject to an annual audit conducted through the Ohio Auditor’s Office to ensure the City is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Our Team
The Finance Department is managed by the Finance Director, Jamie Nicholson. The Finance Director’s responsibilities are governed by the City Charter which provides for the keep of financial records, establishing and maintaining accounting systems, preparation of financial records and reports to be used by other offices and departments, and assist the City Administrator in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets, capital programs, and other financial matters related to the City
The Finance Director is assisted by the Assistant Finance Director, Jennifer Dennis, who is responsible for managing the daily operations of the department. The Assistant Finance Director oversees purchasing, payroll management, collection and deposit of receipts, and working closely with the Finance Director and all city departments.
Companies and individuals seeking to do business with the city must first be registered with the city. The Vendor Set-Up (available in the resources section below) documents should be completed and sent to Please be aware that the city requires the issuance of an approved purchase order (PO) prior to vendors performing work, delivering materials or executing a contract. Failure to comply may result in the rejection and non-payment of invoices submitted for payment. Vendors are encouraged to reference the PO number on any invoices or other correspondence.
The city encourages all vendors, whenever possible, to submit invoices via email to If you elect to submit invoices via email, we kindly request that you not also send invoices via USPS mail. This can lead to processing issues and duplicate invoices being reviewed. Additionally, the city encourages all vendors to consider signing up for ACH direct deposit for payment of vendor invoices. Electing ACH payment of vendor invoices results in a quicker turnaround time and receiving the funds more quickly. In order to establish this service, the ACH Set-Up (available below) document should be completed and sent to