The Clerk of Council attends all meetings of City Council, prepares and posts Agendas, takes Minutes and prepares those Minutes of all meetings and is the record keeper of all city documents.
General Purpose of the Position
General Purpose of the Position
- Maintain a record of Council proceedings, as required.
- Maintain a record of all ordinances and resolutions adopted by Council.
- Participate in Council meeting proceedings, as appropriate.
- Provide notice of regular and special meetings of Council to its members and the public, as provided for by City Charter, Rules of Council or by ordinance or resolution.
- Serve as secretary for one or more boards, commissions and committees, as provided for by City Charter.
- Research various items from adopted ordinances and resolutions and past Council proceedings, as requested.
- Manage the City’s records retention activities, including responding to public records requests, preparing schedules, forms and reports, as required/needed.
Clerk of Council Job Responsibilities
- Research and disseminate information.
- Work independently on projects, as assigned by City Council.
- Work in conjunction with federal, state and local government agencies.
- Develop and maintain minutes of meetings, resolutions, ordinances and progress reports, as assigned.
- Maintain departmental files for various projects and programs.
- Prepare and submit public notifications of Council businesses, as requited by law and/or Council Rules:
- Notices and mailings for Council Public Hearings and submits same in accordance with applicable Public Notice Regulations.
- Notices for Special Council Meetings and delivers same to Council.
- Posts all notices for all departments and maintains record of those postings.
- Prepare Council agendas and Council information packets, including accepting applicable historical documents and pertinent records, and compiling proposed legislation for inclusion in the agenda of Council.
- Attend meetings of Council and Council Committees and prepare the taking and preparation of minutes.
- Deliver all adopted ordinances and resolutions to the Administration and assure all files on signed ordinances and resolutions are maintained on City file.
If you have any questions pertaining to anything related to this position please contact Jessica Cumbo at 740-927-2021