Voters in the City of Pataskala elect a Mayor and seven council members, three at large and one per ward. Pataskala has four wards. At-large members are elected by all voters in the City. The ward members are elected by their respective wards.
Additional Council Member Election Information
Additional Council Member Election Information
Each At-Large council members and the Mayor are up for election for the same 4 year term. The Ward council members are elected for a staggered term from the at-large and the Mayor election. All terms are a four-year term. In this form of government, the mayor votes only to break ties, and the city administrator supervises the departments. Each year, Council holds an organizational meeting to elect a President Pro-Tem. The elected member serves as President for one year and presides over Council meetings in the Mayor’s absence. The Council also elects a Vice-President each year to serve in the President’s absence.